Sunday, October 28, 2007

Poetry Friday - October 19, 2007

I have been meaning to tell you about my incredible weekend but I have no time and/or energy to post. So now I am forcing myself to do it for I do not want to loose the taste of the experience.

Friday night, it was humid and hot but we were there for the outdoor event. A poetry reading by the tiniest crab claw's class. Poems about us the parents and then poems from the parents about the children. It was beautiful. Here is the card I received after tiny crab claw did his reading, his poem and mine.

Fun Dad
by tiny crab claw
Dad you kept me safe from danger.
You have showed me the light that comes inside.
We have gone through the worst time and the best times.
As you mess up more than me I still love you gleaming shinning star.
And we know were like a vase that has to break.
Dear Tiny Crab Claw,
by Crab Claw
So, a poem about you
so many things to say
it should be an epic
from how fast you ride
the yellow bike
to how you reach over
and share appetizers & dessert.
The truth is
you are the little one
with a big heart.
It took weeks
for you to stop
Saying, "it isn't fair"
after seeing
"The Bicycle Thief"
I know you still
don't understand it
I am sitting outside
at your favorite spot
candles lit and wind chimes on
trying to remember
every time we walk
the dumpsters
where you found the candle holder
now in our yard.
I can always see it in your eyes
the treasure is in the next dumpster

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