Sunday, September 23, 2007

Where am I and what do I do?

How long does it take a person who is scared to overcome fear? How long does it take for strength to reach the point where "I" is most important? How afraid does someone need to be before they stand and speak? I wish I knew.

(A friend I prayed with several weeks ago, said to me today that it was all inside me. That our prayer was me and things happened because of me.)

How long does it take to realize our own goodness even when it is flawed? If goodness can ever be flawed?

And then there is the problem of building a bridge for a second time with the tools and skills you used for the first one, enhanced skills and tools mind you but still the same ones. When do you loose the fear that this one will also fall while you are on it or below it? Bridges get built all the time and the only thing that stops them from being built is our ability to say "no". And the final question is - how long will it take to say "yes"?


Anonymous said...

just do it

Mr. Crab Claw said...

Dear Anonymous,
I hear you.
Thans and enjoy,
Crab Claw